Thursday, August 2, 2007

Space Settlement and War

I am typing this post kind of in response to Al Globus’s article on ( stating that if we started settling in space, there would be no more need for war.
Can space settlement really end the need for war, like Al Globus, who serves on the board for the National Space Society, states is possible? Al States many reasons why there will be no need for war if we settle space, but I do not believe that it is possible. War will continue into and even after space settlement because this is a world where humanity is governed by the aggressive use of force.
First Al states that we fight wars to gain or preserve control of resources, particularly territory. He continues to explain that the European expansion in the 15th- 20th centuries to gain new territory and resources sparked many wars including the World Wars. Al goes on to say that today there is no need for that because once we expand into space, there will be so many resources to choose from that nobody will need fight over it. He is right that there will be no need to fight for it, but is there really a need to fight any war if everybody had that mindset? The fact of the matter is there will always be some lunatic that will want it all. Hitler wanted it all, and he tried to conquer the world. We of course know this was impossible for him to do, but he tried it anyway. It caused millions of deaths and hundreds of billions of dollars in war costs and rebuilding. Someone in the future will try to do the same thing on a larger scale, the solar system. It will of course prove impossible, but not before that person causes billions of deaths (assuming in the future humanity has grown in population quite a bit by the settlement of space) and many trillions of dollars in war costs, and damages.
Al states that in each asteroid there is many trillions of dollars worth of resources. Each asteroid has enough material to build a habitat for a super large city (many times bigger than New York City). There are many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands or millions of asteroids out there in the vastness of our solar system. Because of this, Al states that resources wars will be obsolete. This is just not true. There have been many times in history where people have attacked a neighbor just to gain its resources or territory, even though it had some of its own. This comes back down to just wanting to conquer something for the sake of conquering. People will still need to protect themselves from this.
There is also a threat of space Terrorism. We can’t predict the future, but it’s safe to say there will always be some group of people that hate everything. They will probably be located in a place with a lot of resources, such as the asteroid belt, so that they can either control that area, much like OPEC most of the worlds oil, or they could cause havoc to any mining company that wants to harvest resources.
There are many reasons to fight a war. For Tterritory, or resources, or just to conquer for the sake of conquering, but to say that space settlement will end the need for war is misleading. Because there will always be evil, or people that want it all. After all, this is, and always will be a world where humanity is governed by the aggressive use of force. It’s a sad truth, but reality none the less.