Friday, December 8, 2006

First Post on this Blog!

Welcome ladies and gents, to my blog for talking about politics. The goal is to get my generation, the millenials, up to date on issues, and protect you from the likes of the Drive-By Media.
Our Generation needs to grow up. I guess September 11, 2001 did not wake enough people up to realize that we are at WAR! We are at WAR with ISLAMOFASCISTS! For those who do not know waht Islamofascists are, they are people of the Islam Religion that have PERVERTED their religion. They want all of western society to die. To them we are Infidels. Infidels are people that do not believe in what they believe in. They want to turn the whole world into an Islamic world. Im not just rambling at all, I have not pulled this out of my hat, they have accually said this. Iran's "President", Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated publicly in his own country that he believes the Holocaust was a myth, and that israel should be wiped off the map. He has stated that America is the Satin of the world! If you don't believe me on this stuff, then go look for yourself. There is a website out there called and you can click the 12 minute preview, and it will show you all sorts of Propoganda that the Islamofascists are showing not only to the adults, but their children too! Its absolutely crazy. I believe that if we do not do something now, that this could possibly become the next Nazi Germany, only a lot worse, because back then, they did not have the Globalized communications that we have now. That is why it is absolutely Critical that we Stabalized and Win in Iraq, because its a huge blow to Islamofascists.
In other news, New York City recently banned Trans-fatty acids from foods. For those who don't know, trans-fatty acids are fats that are essentially man made. I firmly do NOT agree with this because the government does not have the right to tell me what i can and can not eat. I think that the Free Market should decide if it should be banned. The governments place is to educate us if anything about the effects of Transfatty acids, and then we decide if we don't want to eat it or not. If most people believe that they don't want to eat it, then they don't have to eat it. If the company wants to survived, they change. And look, it didn't take a law to do this, just education, and we still have our right to eat whatever we want. Many may think, "Well, if its bad for you...?" I say, yeah, it may decrease your life by a year, but if they came out and said that having your hair shorter than three inches would decrease your life by a year, would you allow them to ban hair shorter than 3 inches too? No, Its the same thing. Its your freedom to eat whatever you please.
On that note, i though it was outragous for a federal judge to tell the US treasury that they need to reprint all the US currency because it discriminates against the blind! So we need to figure out how to fix the problem, by either adding something that they can recognize 5 dollars from a 20 dollar bill, or making them different sizes! Im thinking that this guy is an idiot! you may think, whats the big deal, just reprint the money in defferent sizes. Well, if you say that, then you aren't thinking about the consequences. First of all, you have to redo all the ATM machines to despence of them. You will have to redo all the pop and candy machines, you will have to fix cash registers, and much, much more! A simple idea becomes a multi billion dollar mistake! I, ladies and gents, have a solution to this problem! Give the blind a Debit or a Credit Card! Boom, solves the problem, and it didn't cost the government a single penny!
One more thing before I go, I recently saw that Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas has started an exploratory committy for president. This is the first Republican that has anounced this, that I have like. I think that he would be a great president. He is strong about what he believes in, and he is a true Social Conservative! I belive he is the next ronald Regan if he gets into office, but I won't speak too soon. I'll wait to see what he comes out and says to the rest of the US. Right now he's only known in Kansas. He needs to get his name out, and preach what he believes.
I'll keep you all posted on these things as the come, but for now, its time for me to go!
D. Richardson

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