Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Global Warming

I'm tired of all of the liberals preaching that we, humans, are destroying the planet. People like Al Gore (and i know he's not the only one) are out there preaching that you are destroying the planet and you must stop your way of life in order to bring the average temperature down.
Here are some facts that are kind of Inconvenient for Al...
Global Warming has not been proven...he touts it as fact
While 90 percent of scientists agree that its man made, a consensus is not fact
The number 1 greenhouse gas is water vapor (there is 60 times more water vapor than CO2)
There is substantial evidence that there are many natural causes for global warming, but the scientists that notice this are being press out of the press and are being called global warming deniers. The fact of the matter is, they have better evidence that its all natural. To think that man is causing global warming is ludicrous. To think that improving your standard of living is destroying the planet is pretty ignorant. Here are some websites...
And one from Harvard...
and the Washington times
and more
I can give you plenty more...Heres some lists of scientists that don't agree with man made global warming
Those are some, there are plenty more. If anybody would like more please just comment and let me know.
Thats it for now, More soon,

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